Sunday, November 26, 2006


The First Snow of the Year!

Friday, November 24, 2006

What? I have a blog?

So, I recently discovered that I have a blog! What a nice surprise!

I created it in the summer of 2005, just before heading off to Singapore for the year. I guess I had the bright idea of writing about all my experiences abroad, but... something went wrong in execution. That something being me completely forgetting my blog existed.

Myself in Singapore

Anyway, it has now been rediscovered, and I shall do my best to keep the internet community posted on all my adventures. The timing is perfect, seeing as I am no longer living abroad and experiencing interesting things.

And, back in beautiful Vancouver, Canada.

To be fair, though. I'm lucky enough to call home one of the most beautiful and livable cities in the world. With my basket full of experiences from the last year, I'm living life back home with a new perspective: live everyday as if you were a tourist. This philosophy has made the everyday a lot more interesting, and hopefully this shall translate into an equally interesting blog.

So, internet community, let me introduce myself~

Trent, 21, Male, Single, Student, Vancouver, Canada;
Lover of travel, food, film, music and culture.