Monday, March 16, 2009

Goodnight and Goodbye, M.

Goodnight and Goodbye, M.

All good things come to an end. This week's casualties: LSE classes and another relationship.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Heart Is Where The Waves Crash

It's March 1st, which is scary, as I only have 3 weeks of class left at LSE. It's nearly Spring now, and I actually saw cherry blossoms on Portobello Road the other day. We've been getting some lovely mild sunny days, and picnic season is now in the foreseeable future. I also, maybe, am falling for someone. It's too early to say; I don't want to jinx it, but it's nice. It's really nice.

Today I was having a late-afternoon brunch with my friend Ariel. We both had tons of school work to do afterward, but we talked of how nice it would be to get out of the city and take a bit of a break, have a bit of an adventure. And we did.

Two hours later we were in Brighton, just in time to grab a cup of tea and watch the sunset from the beach. I miss the ocean so much, and it was so invigorating to spend a couple hours there listening to seagulls and to the waves gently caress the pebbled seashore.

And as it goes with a city you love, it was nice to come back to London too.