Saturday, October 18, 2008

Me and You and Everyone We Know

A crazy stressful week in London, but a success.  I got a presentation on environmental economics vs. ecological economics over with, and while it was the least prepared I think I've ever been for a presentation, and the worst one I've probably ever given in my academic career, it wasn't an outright disaster.  In any case, it's done.

Stress two was the Newspaper.  This week's theme was "comics," and as nobody was willing to write anything about that for the film section, I was left to my own devices.  I went to the Of Montreal show on Thursday evening with my friend Susan, which meant I woke up Friday morning bleary-eyed and with a deadline 8-hours away.

And so, I emailed my friends Jordan & Ben for some advice, and they helped get the creative process going (I love you guys!).  Then I got an email from the PartB editors saying they were turning the entire PartB into a comic book this week.  That actually made things a lot easier, given my time constraints.  I took some of the points J&B brought up, photographed some friends, matched the dialogue to the photos using Comic Life, and success!

Met some friends in Southwark later in the evening and we talked about life and love (and lack there of).  Loneliness is interesting.  It's amazing how absorbed we can get in our own loneliness, to the point where we often don't even realize that the people around us are feeling the same way.  Me and you and everyone we know.  

I don't understand love.  It's so intangible, and yet it defines everything I am looking for, hoping for.  I'm trying to concentrate on THINGS I love, because I don't see any other alternatives.  I think if I keep walking my journey, keep fighting for things I find beautiful and meaningful and worth while, maybe I'll meet someone.  

Maybe, baby.


Jordan Soet said...

Don't worry Trent, I love you! And so do many other people. Just not in the lots of touching and feeling way. But you are awesome and smart and witty and charming and (so I have been told) very becoming and it is only a matter of time before you find someone who wants to smother you with kisses.

Also, I hate how it seems like I am the only one who posts on here and I feel the need to comment on every single one of your posts. But I can't help myself! I love reading your blog and I miss you and it just makes me want to at least say something to you! Anyway, keep up the good work and don't even think about saying that it's depressing that I'm the only one who posts on your blog, I'm sure there are lots of people reading it, it just happens that I'm the only one who is unemployed and loves commenting on blog posts. And unemployed. Ok, this comment is sounding too much like a motivational speech now, goodbye, you suck. ;)

Unknown said...
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Trent said...

Thanks Jordan, I appreciate it so much. And if I could only have one reader, it would definitely be you.

Lots of love from London town! Come visit!